3 Technological Innovations that Could Revolutionize Meditation Practice..
Almost a century ago, H.G. Wells predicted that “It is quite possible that in contact with western science, and inspired by the spirit of history, the original teaching of Gautama [The Buddha], revived and purified, may yet play a large part in the direction of human destiny.”
Today, we’re seeing this cross-fertilization between science and mindfulness practice becoming a reality. It seems like you can’t scroll through a Facebook feed without coming across an article describing the latest scientific study about meditators reporting less stress, exhibitinghigher pain tolerance, and behaving more compassionately. Through fMRI brain scanning technology and behavioral studies, science has managed to provide objective evidence that meditation does indeed work.
Thanks to science, what once was dismissed as something only hippies and airy-fairy new agers did has now moved into the mainstream.
Thanks to science, what once was dismissed as something only hippies and airy-fairy new agers did has now moved into the mainstream.