Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Psychic AGE

Closely related to education nowadays, as well as to an increasingly wide field of other human activities, is the Science of Psychology, and here my education in Nature’s university has enabled me to understand formulated laws and formulate a few premises of my own.
Among my visitors have been several of the soundest Psychologists of our time, and I have been intensely interested in them and in their points of view. We have had a working knowledge of Psychology much longer than we have had a name for the Science. I have found able Psychologists among callers from East India, where they have thought for centuries along lines that we commonly consider Metaphysical.

I believe that we have, perhaps, just about reached the end of this age of mechanical and chemical progress which has been so astounding as to change the whole face of things, even in my own lifetime. I think it not unlikely that there will come later an Age when Science will concentrate on the wonders of the mind of man and on the subjects that we now consider mystical and psychic. We have five senses, but all around us we see evidences that there may be a sixth sense, or some additional power of getting impressions and knowledge from without by other means than smelling, tasting, seeing, hearing or feeling. Undoubtedly, here we have a great field to work in—a field now almost untouched. We may some day find Psychology only the first of a great Body of Sciences concerning themselves with what is now only hinted at in the present stage of this Department of Knowledge.

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